Thursday, May 5, 2011

Everybody Is Getting Pregnant But ME!

40-year old actress, hubby's two friends - one who's been trying for five years and the other for a second child. Why has it always been skipping me. Before I resigned from my old job almost around me got pregnant and the news almost always come when I thought I'm pregnant and then bang! My period came!

It has always been like this. How I wish I could get used to these circumstances, but I can't. How can you tell yourself that it's ok when all you want to do is pity yourself and talk to your ovaries to please for once can't you just work the way you're supposed to? Then comes my obsession again to search for reason for infertility when I've already read them thousands of times. Lurking into forums checking if someone got preggy drinking this or eating that or doing something. TMI already but there's got to be an answer to what I'm going through.

Yeah, no matter how much we push, there's only so much that we can do. We still leave everything to nature, to God that the sticky beans will come. By then, every hurt, every pain and every bitter herbal pill we have to take will all be worth it because when our little one comes everything will be magical.

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