Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another Early Morning Pain

I woke up at around 230am wanting to pee and having that nagging feeling of lower abdominal cramps. A sign that red flag is about to be raised up. I went back to sleep only to wake up again at around 4am because the pain is getting intense. I woke up hubby to help me out with the increasing pain in my lower abdomen. As he is the person who gets panic easily I have to instruct him what to do. Talking while in such pain was a real struggle. He went to the kitchen to boil some water for the hot compress as this is the only thing that can relieve the cramping. Before I could even wait for him mother nature called out! I hurriedly went to the toilet for a BM. Boy, was I having cold sweat and I'm starting to feel a little numb?! It was scary but I had this before so I know after this It'll be alright.

It was about a 10-15minutes ordeal. But, it felt so long for me. We were not able to talk about it anymore as the adrenaline died down, we're tired and fell asleep.

When I woke up he was already preparing to leave for work. I couldn't get myself up as I still feel a bit week and my knees feel wobbly. He caught me looking from afar and asked me what's on my head. I just said nothing.

Nothing in my head is comprehensible and all are questions. How come this thing happened again? I thought irregular period (I'm already 2 days delayed) and severe abdominal cramps are caused by stress. But, I haven't been working since I came here to Singapore about a month now. I've been taking lots of supplements like fertility blend, glutathione, vit-C and green barley. Almost removing dairy in my diet, less bad fats, incorporating organic foods and even doing yoga at least twice a week.

I had this pain November last year and I decided to improve my lifestyle as far as resigning from work thinking my reproductive system won't go further berserk if I chose the road less traveled.Duh? And yet, here I am feeling that pain again and what's making things worse is that I'm not pregnant - again!

Oh, crap! What do I need to do?

And Oh, btw, when I had this last November it was also on the early morning of 26th about 4am. What's with the 26th of 4am? Oh please, don't make this a routine? Pretty please?

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