Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What's Wrong With Us, Doc? Part 1

When I got married in 2007 in the Philippines, I wanted to have a honeymoon baby but since it did not happen I thought what the heck we just got married. Then weeks came into months then into a year. Question of 'Am I barren?' popped out. Infertility wasn't the word I used then until I visited an OB/GYNE in 2008 wrote on her RX paper subinfertile. Huh? Subinfertile? Meaning not really infertile? I didn't bother anymore to ask because the succeeding words that came out from her mouth were a little bit inaudible and Greek for me. She did an ultrasound on me and it came out I have PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and that I don't ovulate on my own. She instructed my husband to undergo a comprehensive seminalysis at a very reputable and very expensive hospital. We got the result after two hours and got the shock of our lives.

TERATOZOOSPERMIA. Teratozoospermia was the initial findings written in the result. There are percentages on the quality of his sperm and we somehow able to get the meaning of that medical term. We got restless, especially hubby since it's his sperm, so we looked for the nearest internet shop and rented a PC to check the exact meaning and possible cure for it. We were really down trodden when we left the internet shop. His sperm morphology is very low about 9% normal so meaning the rest are abnormal and like monsters in the semen. We even actually added up all those percentages just to make sure the total would be 100%. We were shock! We never knew those things existed. But, based on what we've initially read it can be reversed. (I'll be detailing this in my coming blogs. Promise.)

So we went back to the doctor and showed her the results. It's only now that I realized that she shouldn't have gave us false hope by working us up knowing my hubby's sperm quality is quite low. So even if I take a blister pack of clomid there'll be no way I could get pregnant. That money-making-b***h! Anyway, so by now you know that we started our fertility work-ups. I had only i think 2 cycles and I stopped. This started my jump from one OB/GYNE to another in the hopes of getting pregnant.

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